It’s like Christmas but. Reposted from

It’s like Christmas but. Reposted from

It’s a little like Christmas because It’s nearly lunchtime and I’m still not dressed I’m mindlessly eating chocolate before breakfast Getting dressed involves exchanging indoor slouch pants for hiking trousers I’m not going to bed before 2 am   It’s like Christmas but The smell of smoked ham, cloved red cabbage and gingerbread isn’t filling…

Business as usual? A letter to industry. Reposted from

Business as usual? A letter to industry. Reposted from

Business as usual you say? Usual SLAs still stand I presume? Oh right. Meanwhile ….. We tune in for regular State of the Nation addresses We tear up and are proud of our leaders’ Together Apart rhetoric Even if Leo borrows some lines from the Terminator movies Meanwhile ….. There is an invisible serial killer…